torsdag 22 oktober 2009

In school, as always....??

Hi im in school, just had my first test for today.. 2 more to go! Someone please kill me..? Well then I will be finished for a week anyway.. Going to Julia after school because we're going to the gym, and im going to do everything 5 times as hard! haha.. yesturday, the studytime.. well it ended in a "pillowfight".. for 2 hours .. almost.. Anyway tonight im going out with my friends, in Richmond, we do have plans for going out in London aswell but some butthead is telling the school.. Whatever.. Only 2 days left until Sweden! Need to pack tomorrow!! Hope everything is fine with you guys.. Now im going to sleep or just sit at facebook for a few hours, until my next lession.. great. xxx

4 kommentarer:

ray sa...

should replace butthead with dickface lol hahaha kidding :)
have fun xDD

Jonna sa...

HAHA wtf?? XDDD thanks, now im sitting and watching if theres any chihuahua dogs for sale.. i want one!!

ray sa...

we tend to say a lot of dickhead and dickface in Australia haha,

ummm chihuahua dog ??? -_- ...sounds terrible to me ... does it bark huahua ?

Jonna sa...

HAHAH, noo they are lovely I promise!! I want 2 buy one now ><