Photo: Me at Colosseum in Rome, Italy
It's the plane you wanna catch to Vegas, things you swear you'll do before you die, it's the city of love that waits for you, but you're to damn scared to fly. Lose yourself tonight!
It's 2 months left until I move to Australia, Sydney and I am soooo excited! Another thing to check of my "2 do be4 I die" list. I always wanted to live in Australia but I always thought I would live in the US first but life doesn't always end up like you thought, and for me it turned out even better by moving to the Philippines where I met the love of my life. But I think people should stop taking everything for granted "it's gonna happen, I will do it later" and stuff like that. What is stopping you from living your dream? No matter where you came from or where you are, if you fight and keep your hopes up and try, all you can do is succeed. I am not saying it's easy, but trying can't end up worse than were you started. More people should do what they dream about and make it reality. It's what I am doing right now, my dream is coming true. I am so thankful and I am so happy for everyone around me, but if I didn't try I would never be here.
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