torsdag 6 oktober 2011

Waking up and the place next to me is empty

I woke up not too long ago, I have been waking up a few times this morning to check the time because I know I need to walk my dog. Surprisingly every time I woke up, the place next to me in bed was empty, and if I am not completely out of my mind, Mona was sleeping there when I went to bed. Of course now when I wake up my dog has taken over the whole other side of the bed and we are almost both struggling not to hit one another when we move even if it's a biiiiig bed (where it can fit over 5 people).
Well as I go up and out I find Mona sleeping on the most uncomfortable couch of all times. When I wake her up and ask why she explains "The dog was taking my place in bed".. Hahaha I guess my dog knows how to boss around my guests. Not the first time.

Well anyway I don't have any special plans today, more then to look for a job. Great huh? And go to work as well. I HOPE this evening can be something else then just a movie, I am so fuc*ing tired of all the movies. I will do anything, besides a movie.

Sweden is not killing me yet, but I can feel it starts too. I just wish I could get an vacation. Would be easy if I didn't go out every weekend. So maybe that is a plan for next month, less drinks, more vacation.

Take care xxx

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