onsdag 4 november 2009

School, my new home..

Hi, the time is now 18:20 here and im still in school. Been here for 10 hours, thought you like to know that! Im here with Isabelle and Maria.
Going to try to make this in Swedish:
Jag och Isabelle gick po eventyr po skolan och kom fram till att vi snart er so bekvema her att vi kan go po toaletten med dorren oppen, mysbyxor och utan smink!
Lifes good. Snart ska jag oka hem, imorgon er en ny dag... Hoppas innerligt att den gor bra. xoxo

1 kommentar:

ray sa...

I was at school the whole night just 2 days ago to finish my final project .... >< hope you'll get more sleep than i do ..