söndag 29 april 2012
lördag 28 april 2012
Jason D - breathing
Don't know what to say, Saturday being awesome - Liseberg in Gothenburg all day with the best Jessica! I have lots of photos I will upload tomorrow. xx
måndag 23 april 2012
Long day
First time to sit down today and relax is now 9pm, been busy all day. Packed boxes and donated even more to charity, gonna drive past the organisation tomorrow before work and leave all the stuff. It's not until now I really realise that I am not coming back, its goodbye to my room, my apartment and everything thats in it almost. It's scary but at the same time so exciting, that I will be on the plane, with my suitcase over loaded with clothes and my boxes sent to me with the rest of my wardrobe, and not having a home. Just those hours on the plane, not knowing where I will live, having no idea of how its gonna be like, just moving to a completely new place with no one I know or a stability. I love it. It's new and its fresh and its gonna be awesome, but realised while I was packing that I need to get my own place pretty soon in Sydney because all my stuff won't fit into my room on campus lol. Exactly one month left, counting the days!
Even tho, when I think about it, I moved to London when I was 16, not knowing anyone. Haha and it turned out to be the best year of my life, so I can't wait to see what Sydney has to offer. xxx
I've got a box with 33 movies, all movies 200 kronor, first one to pick em up gets them, cheers! I am not gonna sell then one and one because it takes too much time, all movies or none! Here are the movies:
.......The wedding singer - adam sandler ......
Bottoms up - paris hilton.......
Bloodwork - Clint eastwood........
She's all that - Freddie Prinze Jr........
Lizzie McGuire Besatthet vol 3........
Ice Age 1.........
Die another day 007..........
The bachelor - Chris O'donnell & Renée Zellweger.........
Honey - Jessica Alba.......
Starying alive - John Travolta.........
A guide to recognising your saints........
Hot shots - Charlie Sheen.......
U-turn - Jennifer Lopez........
Try 17 - Elijah wood........
Hårda bud - Jessica Alba.......
To end all wars - Robert Kiefer..........
Just like heaven .......
Spinderman 2........
the scorpion king.........
Shakespeare in love ........
På spaning med Bridget Jones.........
Silent Hill.........
Gilmore girls Season 1 disc 2......
One tree hill Season 1 disc 2.........
Black Christmas.......
Crazy in love.......
The aviator - Leonardo Dicaprio........
Buried Alive unrated........
Elvis has left the building.........
A mighty heart - Angelina Jolie
söndag 22 april 2012
Pack pack packing my bags!
I am counting the days, feels like time stays still right now. 1 month left. Make time fly please? Anyone? Sydney and no plans on coming back
Talking to Michaela on the phone being awesome
lördag 21 april 2012
Spent the day at the country side in our house with Maja, walking around and eating dinner with my cousin. At home now watching movies with Lukas, Games. Have 3 other movies we are gonna try to watch tonight, movie night for sure! Take care everyone and have a great Saturday evening! xx
Photo from Ayala in Cebu City, Philippines
Saturday morning
Good morning, its almost 11am and I just ate breakfast after a walk with my dog this morning. Didn't fall asleep until 5am, drove around like crazy yesterday, rented a movie with a friend and it didn't work so we just watched Due Date instead, love it! Haha then driving my friend back home 30 km so bought red bull on the way so I would fall asleep while driving 2am, but that just made me not being able to sleep later so talked to my boyfriend.
This day will be spent with my dog, taking long walks and also gonna hit the gym after lunch, no big plans for this eve but something always comes up.
fredag 20 april 2012
I can't believe it's only 5 weeks left until I move and everything is ready,
living on campus at Manly, Sydney - check
one way plane ticket to Kingsford smith Sydney - check
suit for uni - check
well yeh everything else as well, all that's left for me is to board that plane and never look back ;) I have never been to Australia and I do not know one single person there but I couldn't be more excited! I know it's gonna be awesome!
Im soon gonna have this view from my window on campus, love it!
From hell to paradise
I thought everything would just feel so crappy this weekend to be honest, but I don't know if it's because it's Friday or because I love the gym more than anything that my mood is just so perfect. I worked all day then hit the gym directly and as I was running as fast as I could I couldn't help to smile because I was so happy, I love being at the gym and I love running. I was alone at the gym today also, which is great. I can feel how much I have changed since a month back when I started with lchf, I have so much more energy and I feel so much better. I hope everyone has a great weekend xx
onsdag 18 april 2012
Back to reality
tisdag 17 april 2012
Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?
Sorry guys this is in swedish, yeh still bored

Känns super konstigt att skriva på svenska, har inte gjort det på hela dagen, söker jag på google skriver jag på engelska, chattar jag med några (tex idag) bara på engelska och pratat i telefon idag, ja på engelska, you get the point helt enkelt. Men ligger fortfarande sjuk så hitta denna lista på min kusin Linas blogg som jag tänkte sysselsätta mig med, enjoy!
Nämn något som gjorde dig glad igår: min pojkvän
Vad gjorde du klockan 08 imorse: sov
Vad gjorde du för 15 minuter sen: åt lchf tacos och kollade på the simpson
Det sista du sa högt: "I love you" till min pojkvän
Det senaste någon sa till dig: "I love you" från pojkvännen
Vad har du druckit idag: vatten!
Vad var det senaste du åt: tacos!
Vad var det senaste du köpte: hm.. en drink på krogen?
Vad är det för färg på din ytterdörr: trä?
Vad är det för väder hos dig nu: blandat mellan sol, regn, snö, hagel
Godaste glassmaken: Nougatglass
Tror du på kärlek vid första ögonkastet: Ja, min Shane fall jag för direkt!
Sover du tungt: Ibland
Drömmer du mardrömmar: Nästan aldrig, gör jag det blir jag jätte rädd och kan inte somna om.
Trivs du med ditt jobb: Ett jobb är ett jobb
Favoritklädsel: Klackar högre än skyskrapor och en klänning snyggare än.. Leo Dicaprio så är allt på topp!
Favoritlåt just nu: Linkin park - iridescent (Transformers 3 som jag råkade se på bio 3 gånger)
Vad ser du om du tittar till höger: Väskor
Vad gör dig glad: min pojkvän, familj, vänner, resor, shopping, djur mm.
Vad ska du göra härnäst: kolla på 90210
Höger eller vänsterhänt: Höger
Humör just nu: Excited
Favoritgodis: Rosa/svarta döskallar
Sommarplaner: börja universitet!
Hur många kuddar sover du med: 3
Spelar du något instrument: Haha med mitt tålamod? hell no
Morgon eller nattmänniska: Haha neither
Vad är viktigast för dig: Min familj & karriär
Är du kittlig: För mycket
Snarkar du: Nej
Stjärntecken: Skytte
Äckligaste insekten: Larver, damn you maria. kackerlackor är väl en insekt också? both!!
Längtar du mest efter just nu: pojkvännen!
Photo: Bantayan, Cebu Philippines
Soooooo bored, been watching shoes online and I just wanna buy them all but NO NO NO. I have to stop myself, it kills me so I stopped looking at them. Why did I even start? Now I need to have them. Damn. Need to focus on something else so I am gonna bake some lchf bread now, thats how bored I am. But it's good that I am bored, it shows that I am on my way to get better. Yesterday I couldn't even think the word bored cuz I was paralysed in bed all day.
I miss the hot weather and the beach, the sun! ahhhh take me to sydney nooow please
in sickness and health?
I am home sick today again, I am so tired and my body is not up for anything. I should be glad I still have some appetite. Yesterday I didn't leave my bed until 9.30pm to go and get my parents at a bar (LOL). Not as bad as it sounds, it was just too cold to walk home so I was their personal taxi.
Its now 3 weeks on my lchf diet and it's going great, lost 3kg. I feel awful when I am sick cuz the abstinence of being away from the gym is really killing me more than my sickness. Well I almost reached my goal which is, 5 kg the first month so I will have some time to make it happen. As soon as I get back healthy and energetic I am gonna go to the gym like before, everyday. I focus mostly on cardio now in the beginning and mostly cuz I think it's the most fun. I love running. Anyways I will share my result after a month.
I can't believe its only 1 month and one week let until I move! I am so excited, can't wait to start packing. But it still feels so unreal, but when I leave my room totally empty here in Sweden I think I will start to realise that this is for real and I am not going back here to my apartment.
Gonna lay in my bed next to my dog who keeps me company when I am home sick, watch movies and feel sorry for ourselves.
Take care xxx
Its now 3 weeks on my lchf diet and it's going great, lost 3kg. I feel awful when I am sick cuz the abstinence of being away from the gym is really killing me more than my sickness. Well I almost reached my goal which is, 5 kg the first month so I will have some time to make it happen. As soon as I get back healthy and energetic I am gonna go to the gym like before, everyday. I focus mostly on cardio now in the beginning and mostly cuz I think it's the most fun. I love running. Anyways I will share my result after a month.
I can't believe its only 1 month and one week let until I move! I am so excited, can't wait to start packing. But it still feels so unreal, but when I leave my room totally empty here in Sweden I think I will start to realise that this is for real and I am not going back here to my apartment.
Gonna lay in my bed next to my dog who keeps me company when I am home sick, watch movies and feel sorry for ourselves.
Take care xxx
måndag 16 april 2012
Great weekend
Had a perfect weekend with my partner in crime, Malin! Friday was spent at home eating tacos and catching up, Saturday a long drive to Gothenburg and sooo amazed that we made it, the weather was terrible and I had never been driving there before so to find our way to the parking spot was a challenge but as I said we got there alive! Then we just walked around in Gothenburg and did some window shopping, I bought myself the UK cosmo tho I already bought the swedish one. Back home the first thing we did was open a bottle of wine and cook dinner. The evening was spent catching up and drinking wine before going out to xoy . After some drinks and some dancing we decided to had on back home, movie night with another friend watching Insidious and Paranormal activity until 5am. Sunday was relaxed, dinner at a greek restaurant and just movies at home before driving back to the airport, heartbreaking but we both know we will see each other soon again, just don't know in which country. Take care everyone xxx

fredag 13 april 2012
torsdag 12 april 2012
Busy day being awesome
Good eve, had a very busy day.. My first time to sit down and relax is now when I am going to sleep. I worked all day, had Theo at work then home to collect all my clothes and shoes etc to send them to charity. 1 h shopping for food for the weekend and bought some wine for me and Malin who's flying here tomorrow. Can't wait! Got home at 6pm and cleaned for 2 hours before deciding that I am gonna go to the gym cuz I know Im gonna be in a awesome mood if I do, so I went and killed for one hour and got home, took a shower, called Michaela for some catching up and NOW I am gonna finally relax. Can't wait for the weekend, tomorrow waits gym 6am then work 7.30 until 4pm then clean the apartment and talk to my boyfriend and finally pick up Malin at the airport around 9pm, then home for a tacos evening, just chilling with some wine and good food! Saturday waits Gothenburg and Sunday a awesome brush at my favourite Greek Restaurant (Grekiska Tavernan) before Malin is flying back home on Sunday.
Btw, 1,5 week on lchf and gym 6 times a week, bondi beach 2012! - Take care xx
tisdag 10 april 2012
Awesome start

Good morning, started my day at the gym and I have plenty of energy so I am gonna go to work now. Counting the days until I move, my afternoon will be spend on gym if I got the the energy and time, I killed this morning so it's not a "have to do" more like just for fun, but I rather talk to my boyfriend. xxx
Picture perfect
Awesome evening, at the gym then made dinner, vegetables in the oven and finished all my laundry that I started with 8am today until 8pm, cleaned my room and I am now ending my day with episodes of Good Christian Bitches, love it! Going to sleep with a smile on my face and tomorrow waits gym 6am. Only thing missing is my boyfriend.
Long distance
måndag 9 april 2012
Don't wanna stay here one more day
söndag 8 april 2012
wrong direction

Awful evening to be honest, the gym is closed and it's the only place I wanna be at. I am trying to imagine what I can do to make this a better evening and there is not one thing I can think of. I want to be somewhere I have never been and talk to someone I never spoke to and do something I have never done. I am tired of life in Sweden, time to live everyday like it was your last. Do what I want, and do what makes me happy. Cuz this aint happiness.
lördag 7 april 2012

Had a great easter weekend with friends and family, I haven't had time to see little Theo yet so that is my goal today if he is free! Yesterday I started the day at the gym before driving to my parents house for easter lunch, meeting my cousin and driving back home. Spent the evening at home with take out and a movie, well I fell asleep, shocker! I also had time to go trough my room once again, I have took much stuff. I think I have 5 big bags that I am going to throw away today with like 20 old cosmo magazines and a lot of other unnecessary stuff. It feels good that my room is getting emptier but at the same time scary, it's really making me see that this is for good, it's a one way ticket and I am not coming back here. Can't wait to live on campus and then get an apartment in Sydney with Shane hopefully!! Yesterday I went trough all my movies, I think I kept like 50 and I am gonna sell the rest of them. Any one interested? I am gonna sell em for like 20 kr / movie. 6 movies 80 kr.. Something like that lol, otherwise they r gonna go with my shoes that nobody bought and all my clothes to charity. I am going there next weekend, I want to have everything ready cuz it's not that much time left, I have 6 weekends left here in Sweden! I am soooo excited!
torsdag 5 april 2012
Getting rid of stuuuufff
Can't really believe how much stuff I have until I started getting rid of everything that I won't bring when I move to Sydney. Here are some of the stuff that I will sell:
Här är några utav sakerna jag säljer:
Playstation 2
Playstation 2 games:
Need for speed underground
Need for speed most wanted
Guitar Hero console
Guitar Hero rock
SIngstar Svenska Hits, Schlager
Singstar Legends
Singstar Pop
Disney Sing It High school musical 3
Webcam from Logitech
Headset from Plantronics
Här är några utav sakerna jag säljer:
Playstation 2
Playstation 2 games:
Need for speed underground
Need for speed most wanted
Guitar Hero console
Guitar Hero rock
SIngstar Svenska Hits, Schlager
Singstar Legends
Singstar Pop
Disney Sing It High school musical 3
Webcam from Logitech
Headset from Plantronics
måndag 2 april 2012
Gym time now!!
Life in pictures
I just got home from work and I am moving all my pictures, movies well yeh, everything from my two old laptops into my new macbook. Remaining time on just the photos right now is: 90 minutes. I am going to the gym with M in one hour, I missed it. The evening will be spent home alone, spa stuff and just taking it easy. I feel that I need to relax, don't know why I am so stressed. Take care xx
söndag 1 april 2012
Wish you were here
Had a great night out yesterday with friends, back at home 4am and this Sunday has been spent in the living room not doing anything with David n Michaela. Now I am home alone, watching The Wedding Planner, gonna take it easy and tomorrow waits reality with work and a long week ahead of me. I miss my boyfriend like crazy, can't believe it's been 4 months since we last saw each other. No matter how hard it is to be away it's worth the wait. xxxx
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