Monday went by fast, woke up, work, hospital, lunch with michaela, work, boyfriend. Now I am home admiring the key ring I got from my (i dont know why i was about to say my goat sister) ex roomie/goaty/bff/twin from hawaii with my boyfriends name on it. I absolutely love it, she knows me too well. TOO WELL. I started laughing by just seeing the envelope and realized how much I miss her. I cleaned my key rings and sorted it out so I could put my new one on, lol making it into a big project. Jagvetattduköptedenförattdetintefannsmedmittnamn. Anyways, since my bf is already sleeping i am gonna do the same soon, just gonna watch some episodes of Big brother. I miss prison break. Have a great night xx
Bought it in Paris cuz I finally could check "louvren" of my list to do before I die

Bought it when I lived in London and always flew back n forth to sweden

Bought it when I finally visited one of my dream places, Fontana di trevi in Rome

Just recived from this one from my best friend in Hawaii and it's perfect cuz I didn't buy one when we lived together in cebu so I needed one where I think of her and my bf and hawaii of course, need to check that one of my list asap!

My key ring I would die without, too many memories

The goats have known each other like 1 week n r just chillin at the favorite pub in London, Old ship in Richmond